Add/Edit District Terms

Setting your district term(s) in Tech Admin is an important piece to controlling the user and class data that is loaded and used for each school year. Students’ grade levels and class associations are attached to a district term. These associations drive many things inside Benchmark Universe.

District terms can be added or edited by a credentialed Technical/District Administrator in the district. School Administrator are not granted this ability.

A valid district term must be added and active before a new school year’s data can be loaded into the system. District term start and end dates cannot overlap with a previous or future district term. A message will appear if a district term is invalid or missing information.

Add a district term

  1. Click the District Terms button on the district homepage. The District Terms page appears.
  2. Click the +Add Terms button. The Term Name and Start and End date text boxes appear.
  3. Type a term name in the Term Name text box.

Alphanumeric and most keyboard characters can be used; for example, ‘2021 - 2022 FY*’. A red border appears around the Term Name box if a duplicate or invalid term name is entered.

  1. Click in the Start Date box to enter a date or select a Start Date on the calendar.
  2. Click in the End Date box to enter a date or select an End Date on the calendar.
  3. Click Add Term to create the term.

At any time, click Cancel Add Terms to end the term creation and return to the main District Terms page.

Edit a district term

  1. Click the District Terms button on the district homepage. The District Terms page appears.
  2. Click the Edit Terms button. The Term name and Start and End date text boxes appear.

The start date cannot be edited once a district term is created and saved. If the start date needs to change, please use the Contact Us button at the bottom right to submit a ticket to our Technical Success team.

  1. Edit the term name in the Term Name box.

  2. Type a new End Date or select a new End Date on the calendar.

  3. Click Save Term to save the changes.

At any time, click Exit Edit Mode to return to the main District Terms page.

Watch this helpful video on setting up a new district term in Benchmark Universe Tech Admin: